

Membre du Conseil d'adminsitration de C-E-A


Vit à : Barcelone

Veronica Valentini est curatrice et chercheuse d’origine italienne, basée à Barcelone depuis 2012. Elle est médiatrice pour l’Espagne de l’action Nouveaux Commanditaires – Citizen Art Spain Program de la Foundation Carasso (Madrid). Elle est fondatrice et directrice d’E.M.M.A., organisation curatoriale développant un programme public itinérant de recherche artistique, elle co-dirige les programmes de résidences internationales BAR project et de formation pratique BAR TOOL à Barcelone.

Elle est membre du comité artistique de Mécènes du Sud (Montpellier-Sète) et de C-E-A. En 2014, elle a été commissaire de l’exposition collective On Ambiguity and Other Forms to Play With, dans le cadre de la Biennale Invisible Hand. Curating as Gesture au musée CAFA de Pékin.

De 2006 à 2009, elle est rédactrice de la revue Flash Art à Milan et New York. Elle a conçu des expositions, projets, séminaires et workshops dans divers espaces : Roaming Assembly #21, symposium public du Dutch Art Institute (NL), ARC (Bucarest), Matadero (Madrid), SOMA (Mexico), Le Quartier (Quimper), Art-o-Rama (Marseille), Glassbox (Paris), La BF15 (Lyon), 40m3 (Rennes), STROOM (La Haye), MACBA Study Centre (Barcelone), Villa Arson (Nice), Institut Français (Barcelone), Tapies Foundation (Barcelone), Plataforma Revolver (Lisbonne), Syntax (Lisbonne), Careof (Milan), Fine Art school (Brest), Dutch Art Institute (Arnhem), Le MAGASIN-CNAC (Grenoble).


2020 Sentir tous les jours. Technologies au quotidian, group show at Mecenes du Sud, Montpellier

2019 Trap, Gina Folly’s show at Swimming Pool, Sofia

Shadow writing n.II, Lorenzo Sandoval’s show at Swimming Pool, Sofia

Twofold sea, Leonor Serrano Rivas’s show at Mahal Art Space, Tanger

2018 Mystery Of Love, Raul Hott and Sophie Mallett’s show at Matadero, Madrid

2017 A show with more voices / DO. The method, group show with Jon Mikel Euba, Leonor Serrano Rivas, June Crespo,

Juan Lopez, Cristina Garrido, Anna Dot, Plataforma Revolver, Lisbon

Ob Skene, Belen Zahera’s solo show at Care/of, Milan

Meeting with a double agent, Beatriz Olabarrieta’s solo show at Syntax, Lisbon

Deserto, Jacopo Miliani’s solo show at Matadero, Madrid

Boustrophedon, group show at CAC Fabra i Coats, Barcelona

2016 Surface Matters, group show at Glassbox, Paris

The Splash Room, Camille Tsvethoukine’s solo show at Salón, Madrid

Foundering to me is sweet, group show at Fine Art school, Brest (FR)

2015 Show Room, 4 solo show at Art-o-Rama art fair, Marseille (FR)

Elle se réalise elle-même en même temps qu’elle fait sa route, group show at Le Quartier, Quimper (FR)

The air was full of anticipation, group show at BF15, Lyon (FR)

2014 A(p)partment, mobile application and group show at MAIO, Barcelona (SP)

On Ambiguity and Other Forms to Play With, 2nd CAFAM Biennal “Invisible Hand: Curating as gesture”, group show with Bik

van Der Pol, Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz, Heman Chong, Claire Fontaine, Dora Garcia, Mark Dion, Pablo Helguera,

Tobias Kaspar, Lili Reynaud-Dewar at CAFA art museum, Beijing (China)

2013 Original doubt, group show at Plataforma Revolver, Lisbon

The Inner Perimeter, group show at Institut Français, Barcelona

2012 OUVERTURE, annual exhibitions and activities at Sala d’Art Jove, Barcelona

2010 SI-Sindrome Italiana, group show at Le MAGASIN-CNAC, Grenoble (FR)

Open Office, editorial saloon with Archive Journal, Kaleidoscope, Mousse, NERO at Le MAGASIN-CNAC, Grenoble (FR)



2020 DIVERSORIUM. Live Arts & a space of coexistance, Club La 3 Sala Apolo, Barcelona

Publica(c)tions. Un environnment de possibilites, organised by Fine Art school of Mulhouse at Kunsthalle Mulhouse (FR)

2019 Grinding Blackberries, Julia Gorostidi’s presentation at FLORA, Bogota

In Her Place, four-days public program & collective residency, various locations, Tanger

2018 Mystery Of Love, four-days public program & collective residency, various locations, Palermo

Cracking the mould, public symposium organised by Dutch Art Institute at Centre Civic Sant Agusti, Barcelona

SET UP, cycle of performances organised by C.E.A. at Cite International des Arts, Paris

2017 The Theory of Leaves, four-days public program & collective residency at Santa Zita Institute, Ancona (IT)

Making Public Program, one week international symposium at Fabra i Coats and Tapies Foundation, Barcelona

2016 A spoken archive. With or without you, online archive and artists presentations at Matadero, Madrid

2016 2B0A1R6 video screening, 11th Gwangju Biennale & Crossroads art fair, Gwangju & London

The Right to Be Unhappy, two days of video screening, conferences, perfomances, organised with Les Laboratoires d’Au

bervilliers (Paris) at Institut Français & Tapies Foundation, Barcelona

Chez EMMA, one week public program & collective residency, Mannor house Le Trianon, Locronan (FR)

2014-2015 Me and You and Everyone We Meet, screening program Zumzeig cinema, Barcelona

2013 Yuuyarak, cycle of performance at Perrine Lacroix studio, Lyon (FR)

2011 The inhabitant of the floor above, lecture and performances at Homesession, Barcelona

2010 How to act in the public sphere, lecture and performances at Le MAGASIN-CNAC, Grenoble (FR)

Expositions / Programme publique

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appel à participation / voyage curatorial Coast Contemporary 2025Appels publics en coursINVITATION / JOURNÉES PROFESSIONNELLES 22 et 23 mai 2025 Marseille