Vit à : Berlin , Allemagne
Livia Tarsia in Curia is an independent curator and co-founder of the curatorial collective Polynome. In 2020 she co-founded with the artist Lea Mugnaini the nomadic art residency an• other here.
To complete her studies she goes to the University Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne, and get a Master 2 « Sciences and Techniques of the Exhibition » directed by Françoise Docquiert. In 2018 she moves in Berlin where she will be the curatorial assistant of the collective Karma Ltd. Extended (Petra Poelzl, Pauline Doutreluingne and Jana Haeckel). In 2019 she will be co-curator of « Please Trespass This is Not a Private Property » with the curatorial collective Polynome and she has been invited as associate curator of « HOTEL EUROPA: Their Past, Your Present, Our Future » (Chapter 3), a project founded and curated by Théo-Mario Coppola.
The artist residency an• other here expands the traditional definition of a private space by encompassing both methods of art production and sites of critical exchanges. Livia Tarsia in Curia and Lea Mugnaini support regional artists and give them the opportunity to extend their places of production, research, and encounter in their nearby environment. The artists experience their living spaces intensely, transforming them into a receptacle of contestation, (re)invention and creation, bringing out new time-spaces. These engaged habitats indistinctly juxtapose individual (mental), relational (to others) and historical spaces that the guests seeks to translate in the frame of the residency an• other here.