


Noelia Portela Vit et travaille à Paris, France
Commissaire d’exposition / Membre du C-E-A (Association française des commissaires d’exposition)
Fondatrice de Persona Curada


AV/CV The Brushbak Pitch
Persona Curada en collaboration avec Iván Argote Studio
July 2nd -July 11th, 2020
Pantin, France

El bueno, el malo y el feo
Galerie du Crous avec L’atelier d’Ann Veronica Janssens
Nov. 26th – Nov. 30th 2019
Paris, France.

Agua de Beber
Persona Curada
Oct. 18th – 26th 2019
Paris, France.

Make love by a trash can
Persona Curada en collaboration w/in.plano
Artist-Run Space
08 Jun – 16 June 2019
Ile Saint- Denis, France.

Persona Curada
15 Feb – 2 March 2019
London, UK.

That same far place
Persona Curada á ChezKit Artist-Run Space
16 – 18 November – 2018
Pantin, France.

C’est pas si loin/No está tan lejos
YIA Art Fair – Persona Curada
18 – 21 October 2018
Paris, France.

Pheidippides Lutz Studios
18 – 25 August 2017
Leipzig, Germany.

Break me harder
Room Gallery
3 – 20 August 2016
Auckland, New Zealand.


OSHA talk Elbowroom Gallery
7 October 2015
Wellington, New Zealand.

Ch.Aco 15 Galeria AFA
October 2015
Santiago de Chile, Chile

Elbowroom Gallery
6 -14 December 2014
Wellington, New Zealand.

Nothing but precious
Elbowroom Gallery
28 May – 14 June 2014
Wellington, New Zealand.


The Brushback Pitch, texte d’exposition
July 2020 Pantin, France.

Nosotros los Arboles revue de exposition collective publiée par Artishock
á Fondation Cartier, September 2019, Paris, France.

In Order of Disappearance ‘PLACED INTO ABYSS’ revue de Rodrigo Arteaga pour son exposition personnelle
publiée par Artishock á Kostka Gallery.
April 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

Walking the Ridge : Writings from the Adam Art Gallery Summer Intensive.
February 2017, Auckland & Wellington, New Zealand.

Make love by a trash can, texte d’exposition,
June 2019, Saint Denis, France.

A Series of Events, texte d’exposition,
February 2017, Wellington, New Zealand.

Extender una linea, texte d’exposition
September 2015, Santiago de Chile, Chile.

test tes Profil

Appel à candidatures / Art EmergenceAppel à candidatures / Programme 2-12appel à candidatures : Kunhavigi lecture de portfolioAPPEL À MANIFESTATION D’INTÉRÊT / RENCONTRE PROFESSIONNELLE AU SHED (ROUEN)