

Claire LUNA
Commissaire d’exposition et critique d’art


Vit à : Paris , France

Graduated in modern and contemporary art history at Sorbonne Paris IV and the Pontifical University of Peru, Claire Luna is an art critic and independent curator. She has carried out her research in the the United States (New York) and in many countries of South America (Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay) with whom she works regularly.

Member of the CEA (French association of curators), AICA (International Association of Art Critics), the collective Jeunes Critiques d’Art (Young Art Critics) and responsible for the development of Latin America of YACI (international platform of art criticism), she was recently laureate of the curatorial residency program at the Cité internationale des arts (Paris) and the CNAP. Co-founder of the research laboratory l’Echo du vivant at the art center CAC La Traverse, Luna teaches art theory since January 2022 at the University University of Paris 8, Vincennes-St Denis.

Correspondent in New York, then in Paris, for magazines Artealdia and Artmotiv, specialized in contemporary art of Latin America, Luna contributed also to La vie des idées (the journal of the Collège de France), Le Quotidien de l’Art and Artpress, for which she published in particular her Peruvian Chronicles during her writing residence in Lima (under the patronage of Ginette Lumbroso and Alberto Rebaza).

In addition to her interest for extra-occidental artistic scenes, Luna seeks to identify contemporary movements, often at crossroads of different fields of study and following the rhythm of her encounters. Luna recently curated La Rencontre des Eaux, a cycle of exhibitions, meetings and performances around water as a political and poetic matter at the Cité Internationale des arts.

Claire Luna is particularly interested in the idea of displacement of the gaze and of our bodies in our relation to the world. She is currently working on water as a political and poetic matter, and on what she calls struttering thoery, the concept of the space between and the infiltration as a strategy of struggle or resistance.

She is in the search of re-enchantment of our times through poetry, dream, belief or the sacred.

Claire Luna is currently having a curatorial residency at POUSH (Aubervilliers)

Diplômée en histoire de l’art à La Sorbonne Paris IV, Claire Luna est critique d’art et commissaire d’exposition indépendante. Elle a réalisé ses recherches en Amérique du Sud (Pérou, Équateur, Colombie, Paraguay, Uruguay) et aux Etats-Unis (New York). Les scènes artistiques dites de la périphérie, les oublié.e.s de l’histoire moderne et contemporaine, le travail de celles et ceux qui permettent de la relire, de la penser ou de l’écrire autrement, constituent pour elle un sujet de prédilection et ce depuis plus de 15 ans. Outre son intérêt pour les productions artistiques de certaines cultures marginalisées ou effacées, elle cherche à repérer ce qu’elle pourrait identifier comme une tendance ou un sujet du contemporain souvent à la croisée de différents champs d’étude et au gré des rencontres.



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