


headquarters of the association

32, rue Yves Toudic
75010 Paris
SIRET : 500 867 809 00013
APE/NAF : 8299Z

Personal data

The information collected is necessary for your membership.
They are subject to computer processing and are intended for the secretariat of the association. In application of articles 39 and following of the law of January 6th, 1978 modified, you benefit from a right of access and rectification to the information which concern you.
If you wish to exercise this right and obtain information about yourself, please send by mail to the following address:
32, rue Yves Toudic
75010 Paris


The contacts of the site are managed by electronic forms. Most information is mandatory (name, surname, email …). This information is intended for the services receiving the message and for the sole purpose of responding to the request.

We inform you that the secrecy of correspondence transmitted over the Internet is not guaranteed. Each user is, therefore, solely responsible for the content of their correspondence.

graphic identity & webdesign

bw – Grégory Delauré
35000 Rennes – France

IT development

Charles Torris
35000 Rennes – France

Web hosting

This site is hosted by OVH
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

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