Vit à : Hillion (22) et Paris (75).
Born in 1949 in Dives-sur-mer (14).
Louis Doucet is a Mining Civil Engineer and holds a PhD degree from Imperial College (London). For nearly 50 years, he has been active as a senior managing officer for major private sector companies, a collector of contemporary art, a teacher, a writer, an exhibition curator, an art critic, an art book Publisher, and a consultant to artists.
He is president and co-founder of the non-profit association Cynorrhodon – FALDAC for the promotion of contemporary plastic creation:
He is vice-president and treasurer of the non-profit association mac2000/macparis, which organizes two annual contemporary art events in Paris:
He is co-responsible for the programming of the Espace d’art Chaillioux de Fresnes:
For 19 years, he contributed to the programming of the Galerie du Haut-Pavé, a non-profit association whose mission has been to promote young contemporary plastic artists for over 65 years:
Since 2012, he has been pulishng a monthly letter, Le poil à gratter…, with more than 25,000 subscribers and monthly readers, entirely dedicated to the defense of the contemporary plastic creation.
His main objective is to ensure the promotion of contemporary plastic creation in all its diversity, outside the mainstream fashion trends, by favoring original and sincere creative approaches, with a particular, but not exclusive, focus on young audiences. He is more specifically interested in the creators of meaningful works, whatever they may be, aimed at audiences of our time.
His motto is: Art against savagery.
Liste des artistes ayant fait l’objet d’essais critiques disponible ici
Le poil à gratter… est une publication mensuelle de critique artistique.
Le sommaire des numéros publiés est disponible ici