

Six Years

curatorial creation tool


Creative, cognitive and informative, the online curatorial platform SIX YEARS borrows its name from the seminal work of American writer, art critic, curator, activist and feminist activist Lucy R. Lippard. Lippard (born April 14, 1937) is one of the first art historians to call attention to dematerialisation in conceptual art.

In 1973, Lucy R. Lippard published Six Years, a reference book about the “dematerialisation of the work of art from 1966 to 1972”. As it was considered as a conceptual object in itself, Six Years embodies a new artistic movement that Lippard personally wanted to identify and analyse, while substantiating a new approach to art criticism. Nearly forty years later, the Brooklyn Museum celebrated this experience by organising an exhibition, transforming the book that was structured as an exhibition into an exhibition materialising the initial ideas of the book. (Source:, translated by C-E-A, France).

C-E-A – French Association of Curators wishes to pay tribute to Lucy R. Lippard by respectfully borrowing the title of this reference book to name its new dematerialised curatorial platform, whose primary objective is to develop and give visibility to the current and future potentialities of the curator.

Appel à candidatures / Art EmergenceAppel à candidatures / Programme 2-12appel à candidatures : Kunhavigi lecture de portfolioAPPEL À MANIFESTATION D’INTÉRÊT / RENCONTRE PROFESSIONNELLE AU SHED (ROUEN)