

PUBLIC POOL # 2 – “Objects have the word” // Cité internationale des arts // December 2016

PUBLIC POOL # 2 “objects have the floor”
Tuesday December 6th
Auditorium – International City of Arts
13:00 – 20:00

A proposal by Jean-Christophe Arcos, Marianne Derrien and Leïla Simon for the association C-E-A / Association française des commissaires d’expositions.
On the initiative of the association CEA / Association française des commissaires d’expositions, PUBLIC POOL # 2 “the objects have the word”, is a continuous event, a forum / forum of discussions on the artistic news in their report to the issues crossed currently within the society.
C-E-A proposes an unprecedented event within the Cité internationale des Arts, a place of residence for artists.
A fridge, a nice scooter, a atomixaire, and Dunlopillo; a stove with a glass oven, heaps of cutlery and cake shovels …

The modern period has sung us to wear the song of the object – overflowing the simple fetishism, his cult has today turned into a delegation to the object of our productive capacities, physical, cognitive. If art is the natural spouse of the object, the ready-made and the ambiguity of the design multiplied their points of contact. What about the subject? The subjectivity that characterizes the artist, the curator or the viewer would it have abandoned the field?
Each participant is invited to take inspiration from one or other of the 33 entries proposed in a given list, in order to propose a specific intervention pertaining to the position and the speech as well as a visual or performed proposal.

1:00 pm: Raphaële Jeune – “Quarter hour of transsubjective gym” / From Tamagotchi to Germinoid

1:20 pm: Theo Prodromidis – “My Uncle” by Jacques Tati

1:40 pm: Yassine Balbzioui – Theater of objects / The consumer society / TV shopping

1:50 pm: Isabelle Plat / Leïla Simon – “The use of sculpture – a utilitarian art”> text by Isabelle Plat in Artpress n ° 434

2 pm: Nils Mollenhauer – Theater of objects / The 2001 Monolith of Space Odyssey

2:20 pm: Fabienne Bideaud – The Fetishism of Merchandise (see Karl Marx, Capital, I, 1, 1, IV)

2:40 pm: Thierry Fournier – “Real humans”

3 pm The Drawer – Sex toys

3:20 pm: Cabinet of Applied Fumisterie – Staging of the “real” / The consumer societyPhoto: Salim Santa Lucia

3:40 pm: Doriane Souilhol – The unique object / Empty exhibition of Yves Klein

4 pm: Arthur Fléchard – The unique object

4:20 pm: Yassine Balbzioui – Theater of objects / The society of consumption / TV purchase

4:40 pm: Émilie Robert – Personification of objects: a beautiful communication tool

5 pm: Frédéric Blancart – The syllogomanie or the compulsive accumulation of objects / Jimmie Durham. Smashing. Video, 92mn, 2004.

5:20 pm: Judith Deschamps – The Fetishism of Merchandise (see Karl Marx, Capital, I, 1, 1, IV)

5:40 pm: Christine Armanger – “Agathe, excerpt from the performance Edmonde and other saint (e) s”, creation 2016 / Staging the “real”

6 pm: Promotion and Ultrastudio – Yves Klein’s Empty Exhibition / “Inspector Gadget” or how technology can be thwarted by human stupidity
PUBLIC POOL # 2_Salim Santa Lucia_Promotion and Ultrastudio

6:20 pm: François Mazabraud – “My Uncle” by Jacques Tati

6:40 pm: Yassine Balbzioui – Theater of objects / The society of consumption / TV purchase

7 pm: Marion Zilio and Benjamin Efrati – “The face as a technical object of Neanderthal Cyborg” / From Tamagotchi to Germinoid

7:20 pm: Anna Tomaszewski and Olivier Balzarini – “My Uncle” by Jacques Tati

7:40 pm: Jakob Gautel and Gilles Sage – “Interview with Gloria for Jakob” / Personification of objects: a beautiful communication tool / “Inanimate objects, do you have a soul? – Who is attached to our soul and the strength to love ? “(Milly or the native land, Alphonse de Lamartine) / The consumer society

On this occasion, PUBLIC POOL # 2 will join forces with the Traverses program, implemented jointly by Bétonsalon – Center for Art and Research, Villa Vassilieff and Cité internationale des arts, and also with Lechassis.
The FRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais is associated with PUBLIC POOL # 2.
Free admission, limited seating available.
Facebook event:

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