



Vit à : Paris , France

Georgia René-Worms is graduate of the Villa Arson Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art. She took part in the programs of l’ Ecole du Magasin and the post-graduate program in Lyon.

As an artist and writer, It’s work is structured around two axes: documentary – generally based on feminist figures – and narrative. There she develops an experimental writing, in the vein of new narrative and narrations non-fiction where the author strives to honestly represent the subjective experience without claim that a text can be absolutely objective. The central questions that habit its methodology are: What does the research do to us and what do we have the right to do with it? do? How do we take the story in itself? How do we tell a story that is not our own? What does the work make us? What is the materiality that passes through us? Or intangibility of what we manipulate?
She consider her research as a life experience, where intimacy and work interpenetrate each other.

Georgia René-Worms has been a resident at the CIAP Vassivière, the Via Farini in Milan, the Centre d’Art du Parc Saint Léger and the Villa Champollion in Cairo . She participated as a curator in the Generator programme initiated by 40m2. She participated as a curator in the Generator programme initiated by 40m2. She has also received support for her research from the DRAC Limousin . She also received support from the DRAC PACA, the Nuovi Mecenati Foundation and from the French Institute of Egypt in 2019 for the writing of a short story based on the history of the Marxist feminist painter Inji Efflatoun (1924-1989).

Since 2020 and based on her personal experience, she has been thinking about the possibility of setting up a corpus, other than that of scientific literature, to approach the history of sick bodies in an emancipatory gesture, with the tools that are hers: those of art. It is in this context and for the production of a text on the Brazilian artist José Leonilson that Georgia René-Worms is the winner of the INHA’s writing and publication grant in 2021.

Georgia René-Worms co-founded the artsit run-space Terzo Fronte in Rome.

Hôtel des 3 collèges, Maxime Bichon, Terzo Fronte, Athènes, GEORGIA

H U M A N O N L Y et A N Y.B L O O D .?, Adriano Costa, Terzo Front, Rome et Athènes,

Oniromanzia: Laurie Charles, Terzo Fronte, Rome, IT

Scomparsa voluta: Maxime Bichon, The Magician’s Sleeve, Terzo Fronte, Rome, IT

Patrouille de nuit, Pierre René-Worms, co-commisariat Yann Chevalier, Le confort moderne, Poitiers, FR

Radio: Missouri Presente ! 14.04.18. Paris est la succursale d’un groupe qui n’existe pas. DOC, Paris, FR

Au sol camaïeux divers verts et marrons. Un rayon se pose. Mordoré. Rosy-Blue apparaît. Amélie Giacomini et Laura Sellies, BF15, Lyon, FR
Spring Reading Club, Air Antwerpen residency, Anvers, BE

Toute première fois, une sélection d’oeuvres de la collection Colette Tornier. ESAD Grenoble, FR
Summer Reading Club. Treignac Projet, FR
1m37 at the withers, the balance in the earth. Nicolas Momein. Parc du CIAP Vassivière, FR

Sculpture Synchronisée en collaboration avec Rafaela Lopez, Piscine Jean Médecin, Production centre national d’art contemporain de la Villa Arson, Nice, FR

& Jose Leonilson., revue critique d’art, 2021, aide à l’écriture et à la publication d’un essai critique,
Institut français, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art


Îlle, graphisme Roxanne Maillet, edition Tombolo Presse


Cairo Drama , plate-forme éditoriale Switch on paper


L’hôtel Meurice suspend son prix pour l’art contemporain, Engagement et enquête menés avec Virgile Fraisse, publié par


Fiction. Revue 02, n°83, Hiver 2018


Fabienne Audéoud, Le bien. La belle revue, Juillet 2017
Critique des ouvrages Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux : esprit es-tu là ? et revue Ingmar, n°48 de «CRITIQUE D’ART » C’est l’azur qui est du noir, Missouri ed ERG Bruxelles et Le Confort moderne


&LC. CODE South Way n°2.
The Ghost builder. Octobre 2016, La belle revue 2017
Homeopathy of the Absurd. Dossier thématique: Grotesque. La belle revue n°6
Cheval de Troie avec Flora Katz et Mikaela Assolent. Revue Manuel


Toute première fois, une sélection d’oeuvres de la collection Colette Tornier. Graphisme Syndicat
Bubble-Boom: e Jeune-Fille said “a bit of bubble and a little bit more of boom”, Bosse & Baum


D’où tu me parles mademoiselle. Revue Initiales n° 03–Initiales M.D
1⁄2 Peintres 1⁄2 Bikers et autres pratiques. Mémoire/Villa Arson
Sculpture Synchronisée.Code 2.0 #9


John Baldessari : né pour peindre avec Thomas Golsenne, n° 02–Initiales J.B


Texte de création pour Eric Staphany «Les Rivages de la Confiance», One Minute Space, Athens, GR


Projection : Les films de Marinella Pirelli, Invitation de Caro Sposo, Ecoles des beaux-arts de Paris


If Words Could Float, lecture sur une invitation de Juliette Desorgues et Carolina Ongaro, SISSI Club Marseille, FR
TWISTED TONGUES READING CLUB, Par Roxane Maillet et Juliette Desorgues, Damien & The Love Guru, Bruxelles BE


Art Pathologies: interventions autour d’expériences critiques et cliniques, Forde, Genève, CH
2011 Performance: Salon par Alex Martinis Roe, Paroles contemporaines/Mai 68… Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Whats a (art) school to do ? CAPACETE et the School of Visual Arts Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, BR


Workshop: Cetaceans , avec Alex Cecchetti, e Institute of ings to Come, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo,Turin, IT Intervention: Les espaces d’art indépendants et le commissariat indépendant, SALTS, Bâle, CH
Intervention : Summer Camp Pons, organisé par 40mcube et Zébra3, Pons, FR
Initiales / La scène (talk), Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard, Paris, FR


Pragmatic Chaos épisode 3, Virgile Fraise. (Co-écriture du scénario). Di usion sur Labor Zero Labor, Triangle FR
L’odeur de l’homme moderne (texte), is Space Between You And Me, Benjamin Blaquart, Hors les murs Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux


Sculpture Synchronisée (projection), Sculpture: Film, All Together Now: Label for contemporary art, Rotterdam, NL
Sculpture Synchronisée (projection), Casa de Velazquez, Madrid, SP
Sculpture Synchronisée (projection), commissariat Ritz Wu, e HUB, Royal College of Art, London, UK


Sculpture Synchronisée (projection), invited by Swimmers, Store, London, UK

test tes Profil

Appel à candidatures / Art EmergenceAppel à candidatures / Programme 2-12appel à candidatures : Kunhavigi lecture de portfolioAPPEL À MANIFESTATION D’INTÉRÊT / RENCONTRE PROFESSIONNELLE AU SHED (ROUEN)