

Dirigeante - commissaire d'exposition


Vit à : Paris , France

Born on 4 June 1971 in Boulogne Billancourt
Francès Foundation (since 2008)
ARROI (since 2005)
Co-founder of the Francès Foundation, which I have been managing for nearly 15 years, I define the strategies, ensure the cultural programming and curate the exhibitions. 30 in-situ exhibitions by 1 January 2023. Creator and manager of the company ARROI, specialised in cultural engineering, this hybrid company, co-founder of the Francès foundation, is invested in the general interest through another association, Françoise pour l’oeuvre contemporaine, dedicated to emergence through a digital platform and numerous calls for projects. As an exhibition curator, my approach is always to initiate a dialogue between the works and to propose exchanges between the viewers. Through a programme called La fabrique de l’esprit, I have developed educational and mediation tools for exhibitions adapted to the public, including schoolchildren. I have been initiating and accompanying cultural and artistic projects for nearly 30 years. Daughter of an artist and an engineer, the integration of the work and the artist in our society has always been one of my main concerns. For 13 years, treasurer and board member of the association ACCES, a permanent creative workshop, in addition to the strategic and financial aspects, I accompanied the artistic direction and the cultural programming with a diverse audience. From 1995 to 2005, as an international marketing executive for European automotive groups, these successive missions allowed me to direct the strategies of these brands in creative universes linked to design and contemporary art.
Education: Master 2 management of cultural organisations (University of Paris Dauphine), Master 2 History of Art, option Art management (University Jules Verne Amiens), diploma in international management (ESSEC-epsci Group)

Technical commission for the acquisition of the Fracpicardie – Commissions for the support of creation and installation (Drac hauts de France) 2026-2021 – Member of the jury of the Marcel Duchamp prize 2015 – Expert Committee Art in companies Ministry of Culture and Communication 2014-2015 – Member of the jury of the Montrouge exhibition 2013 – Commission for production support CNAP since 2013 – Graduate in International Management (GorupeEC-epsci) – Graduate Master 2 Management of cultural organisations (Université Paris-Dauphine) – Distinction: nominated Chevalier des Arts et Lettres in 2013

Initiate a dialogue at the heart of the exhibition called “exhibition dialogue” and give access to a work of art through the emotion experienced in front of it. I wish to offer a reading of the exhibition without taboos and in all simplicity. The systematically written mediation guides the viewer in an exclusive reading of the works hanging with each other; the viewer does not get lost in the space but discovers the exhibition with a verbal accompaniment. It is also thanks to this exchange with the visitor that the exhibition is fully enriched as it progresses, by these reflections and discussions that make it evolve. In this way, the exhibition is not only constructed at the beginning but also during the entire time it is on display; it is resolutely alive.

A curatorial approach inspired by the storyteller, fleshed out by a demanding scientific content, simply and effectively picking you up. This transdisciplinary approach makes the work accessible, everyone dares to analyse it through the listening and empathy created, thus facilitating the transmission of scientific, sociological, economic, political or cultural knowledge.

Links are automatically made with the history of art.
Every subject, every work and every artist establishes a link with art history and it is essential to underline this in order to acknowledge the importance and the heritage of the past. In the same way, evoking current events and issues in our society through the eyes of artists is equally essential in order to establish a social proximity with the public and, sometimes, to introduce messages, recall commitments and never be indifferent.

To think of an exhibition is to unveil a work of art, an artist; it is to make visible what we cannot see without a constructed exchange; it is to attract attention, surprise, move and enrich the viewer’s knowledge. To stimulate curiosity about the works and the artists. Each exhibition tells a story, and everyone makes it their own and leaves with a memory.

CONTACT : – +33 6 75 280 771


• Je ne suis pas ce que tu vois de moi. Fondation Francès, Clichy


• Tous ces regards me détournent de moi. Fondation Francès, Clichy

• Mémoire de l’oubli. Kader Attia. Fondation Francès

• Mémoire de l’oubli. Kader Attia. Fondation Francès
• Souffle. Espace Niemeyer, Paris et Senlis

• Résurgence. Claire Morgan. Fondation Francès

• Give more flags to the sky. Micea Cantor, fondation Francès
• Disruption. Exposition collective. Okó, Clichy.
• JUKE BOX – Erwin Olaf. fondation Francès.

• LIGHT BOX – Erwin Olaf. fondation Francès.
• Above and below the line. Exposition collective, Okó, Clichy.

• Crash test. Sélection d’œuvres et d’artistes du salon de Montrouge, en parallèle des lauréats exposés au Palais de Tokyo.
• Trash Test, présente des œuvres de la collection Francès montrant une jeunesse en quête d’excès.
• Vestige. Artiste invité : Gavin Turk.
• La force motrice. Exposition collective. Okó, Clichy.

• XXH. Artiste invitée : Régina José Galindo. Fondation Francès
• XXH, Première rétrospective de la Fondation Francès. Musée Dr Guislain – Gand Belgique.
• Façons d’endormis, temps 2, en partenariat avec le Frac Picardie. Fondation Francès.
• Carnaval. Artiste invité : Aimé Mpane Enkobo. Fondation Francès.
• Des racines et des aigles. Okó, Clichy.

• Façons d’endormis, temps 1, Frac Picardie.
• Hybride. Artiste invitée : Oda Jaune. Fondation Francès.
• Stigmates. Artiste invité : Philip Gurrey. Fondation Francès.
• Culture au poing. Exposition collective Okó, Clichy.
• Icônes. Artiste invitée : Alison Jackson. Fondation Francès.

• Leurre. Artiste invitée : Oana Farcas. Fondation Francès.
• À corps et à cris. Okó, Clichy.

• Trauma. Artiste invitée : Sofie Muller. Fondation Francès.
• Famille de sang. Artiste invité : Michaël Matthys. Fondation Francès.

• Mort ou Vif. Artiste invité : Dimitri Tsykalov. Fondation Francès.


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Deux appels à candidatures avec Drawing NowAppel à candidatures / Erasmus+ à Bucarest