



Vit à : Paris , France

Lisa Colin is a curator of contemporary art and scenographer, living between Paris and Berlin. Her recent research focuses on languages, whether spoken or signed, as a political tool. First curatorial assistant at Bétonsalon – Center for Art and Research then at the Palais de Tokyo, she now collaborates with galleries, institutions, and artist support organisations such as ADIAF notably abroad via ’The Memory Palace. Focus on the French art scene with the Marcel Duchamp Prize’ (Bucharest, 2023), or the exhibition “Unwetter, Katharina Ziemke” (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2023). She is the co-founder of the collective Champs magnétiques, curating several group exhibitions with emerging artists. In 2024, she is the Artistic Director of Les Vitrines, an exhibition space dedicated to the French art scene at the Institut français Berlin.



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