

Commissaire et auteure indépendante.


Vit à : Paris , France

Jeanne Mathas is an art historian specializing in 20th and 21st century art. Currently, she works as coordinator and communication officer at L’ahah. In parallel, she maintains an active career as an art critic (AICA) and exhibition curator (C-E-A). Additionally, she co-founded the association Nous sommes au regret, dedicated to supporting and promoting contemporary art through the lens of refusal. Inspired by the historical Salon des Refusés and the growing number of contemporary artists facing institutional rejection, the project aims to highlight art that thrives outside mainstream spaces. It celebrates collectivity and offers a platform for artists and art enthusiasts to come together, particularly during these uncertain times.

Mathas’ research interests delve into the subversion of essentialism within American ecofeminist art (1965-1990), a topic explored in her ongoing project titled «Earthkeeping/Earthshaking.» She is also fascinated by the persistence of forms, the layering of historical strata, and the power of analogies in art. Her recent curatorial endeavors include exhibition Nous sommes au regret (January 2024), and Homeshaping/Homeshaping: Modern Odysseys which explored themes of displacement, belonging, and the construction of home.

Currently, she is developing two exciting exhibitions: Weaving Futures and Pendant toute la durée d’un jour morne, sombre et sans bruit. Weaving Futures promises to explore the power and potential of textile arts, while will Pendant toute la durée d’un jour morne, sombre et sans bruit delve into the concept of haunting in contemporary art.



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