

Call for applications – GENERATOR #6, Bretagne (France)

Deadline : 21 juin 2019

For the plastic artists, graduates for two years minimum, GENERATOR offers the frame of a residency of research and production associated with the individualized accompaniment of a professional training. GENERATOR offers everyone a workshop, funding and special meetings with professionals in contemporary art.

For exhibition curators, GENERATOR offers a workspace, funding and privileged meetings with professionals in contemporary art in Bretagne, France.

GENERATOR is initiated by 40mcube and carried jointly with the European School of Art of Brittany, in partnership with the company Self Signal.

Announcement of the winners: July 2019
Start of program: Artists: November 4, 2019 – Commissioners: March 2020

APPEL / NOUVEAU PRINTEMPS TOULOUSE 2025appel à candidatures : Kunhavigi lecture de portfolio