

PUBLIC POOL # 6 “Common Common” // Théâtre de la Comédie de Reims // February 2019

C-E-A and FRAC Champagne-Ardenne
PUBLIC POOL # 6 “Common Common”
Sunday February 3rd – 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Theater of the Comédie de Reims

a proposal by Jean-Christophe Arcos, Madeleine Filippi and Marie Gayet for C-E-A.

One hundred years after the narcissism of small differences, as Freud called it, pushed close nations to shatter against each other, tensions between European countries seem to reduce their rapprochements to the lowest common denominator, shattering system of donations and counter-donations constituting compromises making community life possible.

If works of art are “real objects necessary to the life of social groups”, as Pierre Francastel put it, perhaps it is above all by their ability to condense the signs that these groups can pool. In a sense, beyond the kunstwollen alone, they carry the stories of a community, and are shared by all without being divided.

Contemporary art, however, is the target of criticism focused in turn on its inability to embody a common language or on the impossibility of discovering unusual works – if these contradictory accusations ignore the existing transactional strategies. between art and politics, they highlight the possibility of a discordant art.

Today’s artistic practices, their hybrid forms and their plural quests, are anchored in a history of aesthetic experimentations as much as they respond to the dystopian, collapsing and identity representations that form the great narratives, and the commonplaces, of the time. Can they, should they, draw new horizons for us to come?

Camille Ayme
Gwendal Coulon (Djordjevic)
Damien Dion
Aymeric Ebrard
Katya Ev
Arthur Fléchard
Eric Giraudet of Boudemange
Fred Guzda
Olivia Hernaïz
Anne-Sarah Huet
Frederic Liver
Thomas Tudoux
Wendy Vachal
Laurence Vauthier

The Comedy of Reims
3 Bocquaine Causeway
51100 Reims
>>> Facebook event:

Public Pool is a live event that collects and brings together interdisciplinary proposals in a curatorial approach. On the basis of a call for projects open to artists, curators, art critics, researchers, art historians, architects, designers, scenographers, philosophers, dancers or musicians, it offers the possibility to develop unprecedented, thoughtful or experimental forms of presentation, like a research laboratory. Continuing the vision of meetings and sharing ideas that is his, CEA / French Association of curators exhibition the 6th edition of Public Pool, around the concept of common, at the invitation of Marie Griffay, director FRAC Champagne-Ardenne.

Created in 1984, the FRAC Champagne-Ardenne works for the creation and promotion of contemporary art. Like the other FRACs in each of the French regions, its vocation is the constitution and distribution of a collection of contemporary works of art, programming and the production of temporary exhibitions, publishing, and publishing. organization of art awareness actions for the widest possible audience. Co-organizer of the Reims Scènes d’Europe festival, the FRAC Champagne-Ardenne invites C-E-A to organize Public Pool # 6 on Sunday 3 February 2019 as part of its performance weekend.

The Cartonnerie / Césaré / Comedy of Reims – National Dramatic Center / FRAC Champagne-Ardenne / Armory, National Scene-Reims / Nova Villa / Reims Opera
The Reims cultural scenes present a program combining theater, dance, music, opera, circus, youth shows and performances. The artists’ view of the world in which we live is a leaven for a democracy that is too often abused. If they know how to grasp the present with great acuteness, it is also thanks to their capacity to return to the past and to draw from the source of poets and myths.

Appel à candidatures / Art EmergenceAppel à candidatures / Programme 2-12appel à candidatures : Kunhavigi lecture de portfolioAPPEL À MANIFESTATION D’INTÉRÊT / RENCONTRE PROFESSIONNELLE AU SHED (ROUEN)