

PUBLIC POOL # 5 “NEIGHBORHOODS” // Cité internationale des arts // September 2018

Saturday, September 22 – 18h-22h
International City of Arts

PUBLIC POOL # 5 is a continuous event, a forum / forum for discussing aesthetic news in relation to the issues currently facing society. This event, like a research laboratory, offers the possibility of developing new, thoughtful or experimented forms of presentation.

Antikythera’s Ephèbe, Mahdia’s Aphrodite, Riace’s Bronzes, Lošinj’s Apoxyomenos: the numerous wrought-up statues attest that works of art have been moving since antiquity.
For artists, curators or critics, the preferred mode of travel is residence: for a longer or shorter time, it is a question of experiencing another workshop, of surveying other landscapes, of get in touch with another scene. The distance taken with the starting context reorganizes the creative process and allows an insularity of heterotopia as much as the friction of the neighborhood.
The supposed benefit of this change of scenery, this otherness and this newness of foreignness lies in an enrichment of references and frameworks of creative work. It is thus to produce otherwise that the artist leaves in residence.
The exiles of other workers and political refugees invite us today to take a radical look at the concept of borders and to develop an active reflection on the crossing of the dividing lines between art and life, between spaces, between mediums, between individuals, between peoples: this is the path on which this fifth edition of PUBLIC POOL is committed.
A proposal by Jean-Christophe Arcos, Madeleine Filippi, Marie Gayet.

In order of appearance from 18h to 22h:
Laurent Lacotte, Pablo Cavero, Magda Kachouche, Noemie Monier and Alicia Zaton
Alex Lecuiller
Judith Lavagna
Aurélie Haberey
Paul Lahana
Camille Paulhan
Yan Tomaszewski & Dorith Galuz
Lydie Marchi
Claude Chuzel
Christine Demias
Christine Herzer
Jean-Marc Dupuy
Doriane Souilhol and Douglas Morland
Marie Lienhard
Rais Said
Laura Thavenot
Henri Guette
Céline Manz
The Sundgau Specialists Elli Humbert and Richard Neyroud
And Aymeric Ebrard, between the interventions.
Public Pool # 5 continues at the Café des Arts from 10pm.

Facebook event

International City of Arts – Auditorium
18 rue de l’Hotel de Ville, 75004, Paris
Metro 7 Marie Bridge or 1 St. Paul
Free entry

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