


Practical information

  ♥ Join SIX YEARS on the BOOTH N°74 3D FLOOR OF LA TOUR. 25-29 August 2022, 14:00-20:00. Entrance: Friche la Belle de Mai, 41 rue Jobin 13003 Marseille ♥ Join Arlène Berceliot-Courtin et Francesca Zappia, two membres of SIX YEARS, for a conversation about the new orientations of the programme. Sunday 28 August from 5 to 6 pm Grand Plateau of La Friche La Belle de Mai in Marseille Free admission

Art-o-rama invites SIX YEARS.


Art-o-rama invites C-E-A – Association française des commissaires d’exposition to present its online curatorial platform SIX YEARS during the salon. 

In its booth, SIX YEARS shows the documentation of the research it carries out about the dematerialization of the artwork within the space of the Internet. More specifically, the research project looks at feminist strategies related to the ethics of care, and draws on the question: “What do curators care for?”. SIX YEARS aims to prompt a critical reflection about practices and principles of care ethics, which are based on a system of interrelationships, empathies, mutual responsibilities and communications (Tronto, 2009). Therefore, SIX YEARS raises the question: How can we apprehend care ethics within the frame of the ‘curatorial’ while using the interrelational potentialities of the digital realm?

Photographs : Margot Montigny

appel à candidatures : kunhavigi lecture de portfolio AVRIL 2025Appels publics en coursINVITATION / JOURNÉES PROFESSIONNELLES 22 et 23 mai 2025 MarseilleInvitation / Événements avec Drawing Now Paris