

Valentine BUSQUET


Vit à : Paris

Valentine Busquet (born 1991, France) has worked in various galleries in France, Cuba and the United States, and from 2018 to 2021 was in charge of the Leridon Collection which brings together more than 3000 contemporary African artworks.

Independent curator, Valentine accompanies projects that stimulate cultural engineering and advises individuals and companies in the management of their collections and the acquisition of new artworks. Specialized in contemporary art, she is particularly interested in the emerging scene. A member of the NGO Contemporaines, she supports the fight against gender inequalities in the art world.

Valentine Busquet is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs and ICART, Paris. She also trained at the Ecole du Louvre in conservation and restoration of works of art. 



She experiences the exhibition as a dynamic space of transmission, tells a story from the work of the artists and creates a dialogue between their different universes. She thinks in parallel to the scenography, the readability of the works, the itinerary and the mediation. “The mediation is essential for the public that I wish to immerse as much as possible in the story I tell. Fully immersing oneself in an exhibition is the ideal way to create connections with our world and our realities.”

Commissariat dʼexpositions:

«ET FAIRE SURGIR LA NUIT» • Encore Le Lieu, Biarritz, Mai 2022.
Artistes: Lana Duval, Ophélie Demurger, Margaux Henry Thieullent, Raphaël Tachdjian, Andoni Maillard.

« DEAD END » • 152 rue du Temple, Paris. Sept 2021, Solo show NDA

« FATA MORGANA » • INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL. Juin 2019. Iles de Kerkennah, Tunisie. Artistes : Mustapha Azeroual, Mathieu Merlet Briand, Badr El Hammami, Federica Landi et Louis-Cyprien Rials.

« CARTOGRAFIA » • Arte Particular, Juillet 2018. La Havane, Cuba. Exposition collective. Artistes: Jaime Pilar, Irene Pordea & Eduardo Cardenas

« INFRAMINCE » • Fondation Hippocrène -Villa Mallet-Stevens, Janvier 2018. Artistes : Jeanne Briand, Lukas Truniger, Scénocosme, Mathias Isouard, Julien Poidevin, Haythem Zakaria, Benoît Pype.

« CACHET DE LA POSTE FAISANT FOI » • Villa Mallet-Stevens, Paris. Janvier 2017. Exposition collective de plus de 370 cartes postales envoyées de 23 pays par 250 artistes internationaux.

« ARTS ET TERRITOIRES » • Abbaye de Noirlac – Bruères Allichamps. Septembre 2017. Artistes : Moataz Nasr, Nino Laisné, Edwin&Melvyn, Justine Pluvinage, Carl Hurtin et Gwenn-Aël Lynn.

« FUTURS COMPOSES» • Fondation Hippocrène – Villa Mallet-Stevens. Janvier 2015. Artistes : Wesley Meuris, Juliette Vivier, Edwin&Melvyn, Camille Pajot, Paolo Vignaroli et Sebastien Rivas.


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