

Responsable éditoriale, Chargée de mission senior


Vit à : Paris , France

Élisa Ganivet is a Doctor of Philosophy and Art Historian. She began her career in 2003, organizing traveling exhibitions of great masters such as Rembrandt, Goya, Calder, Miró, Dali, or Picasso.She works as a consultant for international public and private cultural organizations. Since 2021 she has been in charge of the ADIAF (Association for the International Diffusion of French Art) – Marcel Duchamp Prize.
Her research in aesthetics, usually in immersion, explore the mechanisms of the utopian idea in phase with societal practice. Based on her PhD (2009-2013), her expertise “Border Wall Aesthetics: Artworks in Border Spaces”, Transcript Verlag/Columbia University Press, 2019-2020, is the occasion of interventions (The Council of Europe, Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne, Casa Velázquez – Madrid, European network on cultural management and policy, La Colonie – Paris, France Inter, France Culture…) of publications (Presses du Réel, Presses de l’Université du Québec, Transart Institut, Le Fresnoy…) and curatorships (Instituts français, European Union National Institutes for Culture…). She is the Art Editor of the BIG_R (Borders in Globalization Review) of the University of Victoria, Canada.
In 2014-2015, she has been the editorial coordinator for the artist Kader Attia.
She is a member of C-E-A (French Association of Exhibition Curators) and AICA (International Association of Art Critics).



Curatorial projects (selection)

2020 : Soulèvements d’Alter Ego, 4 femmes 4 parcours, Dar Moulay Ali, Institut français de Marrakech, Morroco
2019 : Fernand Léger: El Circo, Sala de la Francesas, Valladolid, Spain
2016 : series of curated and presented videos for fineartmultiple™, Berlin, Germany
• Architecture : Christo, Bernd et Hilla Becher, Tacita Dean
• Balance : Mona Hatoum, Arturo Herrera, Noa Gur
• Intimacy : Louise Bourgeois, Katharina Fritsch, Ebru Özseçen
• On the Road : Faycal Baghriche, Ken Lum & Hubert Damisch, Anish Kapoor
• Polemics : Santiago Sierra, Sejla Kameric, Claire Fontaine
• Sound : Allen Ruppersberg, Hanne Darboven, Laurie Anderson
2014 : Wall-Mauer, Pecha-Kucha, European Union National Institutes for Culture, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin, Germany
2014 : Utopia of a culture, BcMa, Kleiner Salon, Berlin, Germany
2014 : Border-Bridges, 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: Contemporary mirrors, Lakino, Neu West, Berlin, Germany
2014 : Zeiten des Umbruchs, Instituto Cervantes, Berlin, Germany
2011 : MauerTag im April, Ausland, Berlin Germany. With Atelier Limo, Gabriel Acevedo, Shelly Silver, Teresa Reuter & Tamiko Thiel
2009 – 2011 : Co-founder of Galerie Miniature, Paris. With Alejandro Cartagena, Nils Clauss, Baudouin Mouanda, Philong Sovan…
2007 : Ouka Leele, Domino Dancing, Sala Europa, Badajoz, Spain
2003 – 2004 : L’art à Auroville ou créer l’utopie en Inde. location example: Royal Saltworks of Arc et Senans, UNESCO site



”Exile and Art in Time: An Interview with Dominique de Font-Réaulx” in Borders in Globalization Review 6 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 185-193.
“Border Wall Aesthetics“ in Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp.20-22, ISBN: 978-1-800-374-232
”Paulo Nazareth: Continuity and Disruption of Borders (a complete Art Performance)” in Borders in Globalization Review 4 (1),University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2022, introduction and collection : pp. 104-126.
“Fluidity in Resistance“ in Jusque-là Catalog exhibition organized by Le Fresnoy and Pinault Collection. Artists: Enrique Ramírez, Lucas Arruda, Yael Bartana, Latifa Echakhch, Nina Canell, Vidya Gastaldon, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Jean-Luc Moulène, Antoni Muntadas, Paulo Nazareth, Danh Vō, Joaquín Torres García. Authors : Alain Fleischer, Jean-Jacques Aillagon (forewords), Caroline Bourgeois, Pascale Pronnier, Patrick Boucheron, Élisa Ganivet. Paris: Editions Dilecta, 2022, pp. 53-61, ISBN: 978-2-37372-139-3
Has decadency finally became Harmonious? Dslmagazine, Issue n°13, January 2021, 46 pages
“Special Section – Art & Borders: Introduction” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, introduction and collection: pp. 82-136.
“Outline & Depth of Otherness: An Interview With Randa Maroufi” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 96-103.
“On the Passage of Existence: An Interview with Taysir Batniji” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 104-112.
“Frontières & Mythologies Personnelles : Un Entretien avec Emeric Lhuisset” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 113-120.
“Borders & Personal Mythologies: An Interview with Emeric Lhuisset” in Borders in Globalization Review 2 (2), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 141-148.
Border Walls Aesthetics, Artworks in Borderspaces, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, New-York: Columbia University Press, 2019-2020, 250 pages, ISBN: 978-3-837-647-778
“Some Consideration on the Aesthetics of the Geopolitical Wall” in Borders in Globalization Review 1 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2019, pp. 115-122.
Loop Barcelona, 17ème édition, Paris: Artpress, November 25, 2019
1-54 Marrakech, Paris: Artpress, February 28, 2019
“Interview: The paradox of contemplative desire“ in ELSE Issue 1: On Contemplation, New-York: Transart Institut, Januray 2016, pp. 36-45
“Artistes et migrations: tour d’horizon des territoires israélo-palestinien et nord américain“ in De Champlitte à San Rafael, histoire d’une utopie fouriériste, Dijon: Les Presses du Réel, 2016, pp. 119-127, ISBN: 978-2-84066-893-0
Esthétique du mur géopolitique, Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2015, 220 pages, ISBN 978-2-7605-4360-7
“It is all a matter of Image“ in ¡PoesiAcción! Berlin: Instituto Cervantes; Grimm Museum, 2012, Live Art Work DVD and book, pp. 31-37, pp. 89-94


Art & Borders Editor at Borders in Globalization Review (BIG_Review), Centre for global studies, University of Victoria, Canada
Ganivet Elisa, “Exile and Art in Time: An Interview with Dominique de Font-Réaulx” in Borders in Globalization Review 6 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 185-193.
Manifeste: Navire Avenir / Vessel of the Future: Manifesto, in
Borders in Globalization Review 5 (2), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, pp.104-110
Ramírez, Enrique “Embarked lives” in Borders in Globalization Review 4 (2), University of Victoria, British Columbia, 2023, pp. 98-113.
Nazareth, Paulo “Continuity and Disruption of Borders (a Complete Art Performance)” in Borders in Globalization Review 4 (1),University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2022, pp. 104-126.
Filippi, Madeleine “Sarah Trouche, Performing Borders / Sarah Trouche, Performer Les frontières” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (2), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2022, pp. 98-104.
Pacheco Benites, Alberto “Trois Regimes De Murs / Three Regimes of Walls” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (2), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2022, pp. 105-120.
Bolívar, Clara “El Muro Como Objeto Desde Perspectivas Latinoamericanas / “The Wall As an Object from Latin-American Perspectives” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (2), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2022, pp. 121-126.
Ganivet, Elisa “Special Section – Art & Borders: Introduction” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 82-85.
Neddermeyer, Ina, and Bleibler Jürgen “Beyond Borders, Beyond States: Artistic and Historical Aviation Perspectives” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 86-95.
Ganivet, Elisa “Outline & Depth of Otherness: An Interview With Randa Maroufi” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 96-103.
Ganivet, Elisa “On the Passage of Existence: An Interview With Taysir Batniji” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 104-112.
Ganivet, Elisa “Frontières & Mythologies Personnelles : Un Entretien Avec Emeric Lhuisset” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 113-120.
Mutter, Hélène “Murs frontières Et Virtualité” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 121-127.
Gattinoni, Christian “Fotolimo: A Festival That Borders on All Images” in Borders in Globalization Review 3 (1), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 128-136.
Ganivet, Elisa “Borders & Personal Mythologies: An Interview With Emeric Lhuisset” in Borders in Globalization Review 2 (2),University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2021, pp. 141-148.
Ganivet, Elisa “Some Consideration on the Aesthetics of the Geopolitical Wall” in Borders in Globalization Review 1 (1),University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2019, pp. 115-122.

Editorial coordinator for the artist Kader Attia
Kader Attia, Magnus af Petersens (Ed.), Continuum of Repair: The Light of Jacob’s Ladder, London: Whitechapel Gallery, 2014
Kader Attia, Ellen Blumenstein (Ed.), Transformations, KW Institut for contemporary Art, Berlin: Spector Books, 2014
Kader Attia, Léa Gauthier (Ed.), RepaiR, Dijon: Les Presses du Réel; Bruxelles: Black Jack Edition, 2014
Kader Attia, Axel Lapp (Ed.), The Repair from Occident to Extra-Occidental Cultures, Berlin: Green Box, 2014

Editorial coordinator for managed exhibitions
Rosa Perales Piqueres (Ed.), Stefano Ceccheto (Ed.), Dali passionné, Fécamp: Palais Bénédictine, 2008
Varinia Varela Guarda (Ed.), Y las obras se hicieron tesoros, Arte precolombino en la Colección Salinas de la Piedra, Fuenlabrada (Madrid): CEART, 2007
Maïthé Vallès-Bled (Ed.), Calder, la forma y el sueño, Fuenlabrada (Madrid): CEART, 2006; Calder, A forma e o sonho, Evora: Fundação Eugenio de Almeida, 2006
Cristiano Isnardi (Ed.), Miró, el jardin de las maravillas,Fuenlabrada (Madrid): CEART, 2006


Podcast : L’atelier de l’Europe ‘Art tears down walls – Berlin Wall’ for the Council of Europe, 2024. Discovering the Council of Europe’s art collection. This podcast explores the art collection of the Council of Europe, tracing its history and significance in shaping European values of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The collection includes around 150 paintings, tapestries, and sculptures, featuring iconic pieces such as the Palais de l’Europe designed by Henry Bernard, a bust of Winston Churchill, and even a section of the Berlin Wall. The Atelier de l’Europe delves into the stories behind these artworks, offering unique perspectives from artists, historians, diplomats, and political figures who have been part of the Council of Europe’s journey. In a captivating dialogue, this podcast unravels the secrets of the collection, providing insight into the Council of Europe’s enduring legacy through its remarkable art.
With: Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe (2019-2024) / Catherine Lalumière, former Secretary General of the Council of Europe (1989-1994) / Élisa Ganivet, doctor of philosophy, art historian and cultural manager / Sound archives: Denis Astagneau, Thierry Noir, Alain Barbaud, Philippe Rochot and Mstislav Rostropovitch / Authors: Charlotte Roux, Antoine Auger, Anne Kropotkine
Research team : Drilled geoaesthetics, at Universitad de Barcelona, Spain, on April 12, 2024. “At a time of extreme concern about the social, material and environmental consequences of extractivism and the depletion of natural resources, various concepts, methodologies and aesthetics close to geology are proliferating in artistic practices and visual culture. In order to reach a compendium of preliminary conclusions, as well as to define rigorously such contexts and working methodologies, we invite to this meeting researchers from various fields able to define a state of the question about the relationship between visuality and geoasthetics in the era of the ecosocial crisis.”
Conveners : Martí Peran, Universitat de Barcelona, SP; Diana Padrón, Universitat de Barcelona, SP; Lecturers : Daphné Dragona, Onassis Stegi Foundation, GR; Abelardo Gil-Fournier, Archeologie of Media and Technology, GB; Elisa Ganivet, Centre for Global Studies, CA; Jaime Vindel, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, SP; Moderator : Bernat Lladó, Universitat autónoma de Barcelona, SP
Critical discussion: Exploring Borders – putting on display the border spectacle, at the Geopolitical Observatory of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair, Quebec, Canada, on October 6, 2022. With Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary, professor at the University of Grenoble-Alpes; Aude-Émilie Judaïque, producer of radio documentaries at France Culture. Moderation: Élisabeth Vallet, director of the Observatoire de géopolitique and professor at the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada.
Webinar:New Imaginaries of Migration about Emeric Lhuisset’s photographs, at the Maison Française d’Oxford, UK, on May 30, 2022.Convener: Elsa Gomis, University of Oxford/MFO, Corinne Fortier, CNRS/Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale du Collège de France.
„Interface“ Seminar: Border Wall Aesthetics for students of Master 2 Institut Acte – Université Paris 1 at Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, on March 10, 2021. Convener: Yann Toma, professor at the University of Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne, Jacinto Lageira, professor at the University of Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne.
Arts Cultural Management Conference for Students + Emerging professionals, about REvisiting Borders, on January 28 – 30, 2021. By the European Network on cultural management and policy; Network of European Museum Organisations, Brussels, Belgium.
Presentation and debate for the publication of Border Wall Aesthetics at La Colonie, Paris, France, on November 9, 2019. With Melissa Chemam, journalist and Marco Godinho, visual artist.
Radio broadcast on France Culture for “Le cours de l’Histoire” by Xavier Mauduit (1st program launch) 1989, The end of certainties, on August 26, 2019. Episode 1: One wall, three revolutions, how did the events of 1989 change the way we write history? With Alexander Adler, journalist, Emilia Robin, art historian.
Interview filmed for the exhibition Border: history of a transformation at the Institut Français, Berlin, Germany, spring – summer 2019. By the Atelier Limo with Philippe Rekacewicz, geographer, cartographer.
Conference on the Aesthetics of the wall #25 Research, arts and digital practices, at LESA, IMéRA Marseille, France, May 5, 2019. With Catherine Melin, visual artist; Barbara Satre, art historian
Radio broadcast on France Inter for “Le Nouveau Rendez-Vous” by Laurent Goumarre, Haut les murs ! on February 12, 2018. With Zyad Limam, Editor-in-Chief of Afrique magazine, François Bernard Huyghe, political scientist, Sophie Hiet, screenwriter


Sr. Project Manager of the ADIAF (Association for the International Diffusion of French Art) – Marcel Duchamp Prize. Main functions: Marcel Duchamp Prize’s organization & monitoring; Administration; Membership – Finance; Stakeholders interface; Collectors’ Program in France and abroad; Organization of the emergence grant; Communication

Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2025
Artists: Bianca Bondi, Xie Lei, Eva Nielsen, Lionel Sabatté
International jury: Xavier Rey, Director of the National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou; Claude Bonnin, Collector, President of the ADIAF, Akemi Shiraha, Representative of the Marcel Duchamp Association; Laurent Dumas, Chairman of the Board of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Fabrice Hergott, Director of the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris; Ann Veronica Janssens, Artist (Belgium/United Kingdom);
Yan Pei-Ming, Artist (China/France); Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Collector (Italy); Manuel Segade, Director of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Spain); Aurélie Voltz, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Saint-Étienne Métropole (France)

Duration: September 26, 2025 to February 22, 2026 / Institution: Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris in collaboration with the National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris / Curators: Jean-Pierre Criqui, Julia Garimorth

Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2024
Artists: Abdelkader Benchamma, Gaëlle Choisne, Angela Detanico & Rafael Lain, Noémie Goudal
International jury: Xavier Rey, Director of the National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou; Claude Bonnin, Collector, President of the ADIAF, Akemi Shiraha, Representative of the Marcel Duchamp Association; Estelle Francès, Collector, co-founder and director of the Francès Foundation (France); Frédérique Goerig-Hergott, Chief Curator, Director of Dijon Museums (France); Thomas Hirschhorn, Artist (Switzerland, lives in France); Glenn D. Lowry, The David Rockefeller, Director, MoMA (United States); Otobong Nkanga, Artist (Nigeria/Belgium); Alain Servais, Collector (Belgium)
Duration: October 2, 2024 to January 6, 2025 / Institution: National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris / Curator: Jeanne Brun

Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2023
Artists: Bertille Bak, Bouchra Khalili, Tarik Kiswanson (Laureate), Massinissa Selmani
International Jury: Xavier Rey, Director of the National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris; Claude Bonnin, Collector, President of the ADIAF; Akemi Shiraha, Representative of the Marcel Duchamp Association; Dr. Jimena Blasquez Abascal, Collector, Director of the Montenmedio Contemporary Foundation (Spain); Dr. Josée Gensollen, Collector, Collection Gensollen La Fabrique, Marseille (France); Béatrice Salmon, Director of the Centre national des arts plastiques, CNAP (France); Adam D. Weinberg, Director of the Whitney Museum of American Art (USA)
Duration : October 4, 2023 to January 8, 2024 / Institution: National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris / Curator: Angela Lampe

Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2022
Artists : Giulia Andreani, Iván Argote, Philippe Decrauzat, Mimosa Echard (Laureate)
International Jury : Xavier Rey, Director of the National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris ; Claude Bonnin, Collector, President of the ADIAF ; Akemi Shiraha, Representative of the Marcel Duchamp Association ; Pedro Barbosa, Collector (Brazil) ; Cécile Debray, President of the Picasso national Museum, Paris (France) ; Elsy Lahner, Curator of the Albertina Museum, Vienna (Austria) ; Nathalie Mamane-Cohen, Collector (Paris)
Duration: October 5, 2022 to January 2, 2023 / Institution: National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris / Curator: Aurélie Verdier

Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2021
Artists: Julian Charrière, Isabelle Cornaro, Julien Creuzet, Lili Reynaud Dewar (Laureate)
International Jury : Xavier Rey, Director of the National Museum of Modern Art ; Claude Bonnin, Collector, President of the ADIAF ; Akemi Shiraha, Representative of the Marcel Duchamp Association ; Leon Amitai, Collector, entrepreneur, Colombia ; Shalva Breus, Collector, Founder of the Breus Foundation and the Kandinsky Prize, Russia ; Emma Lavigne, President of the Palais de Tokyo, Paris ; Centre Pompidou ; Annabelle Ténèze, Director of Abattoirs, Museum Frac Occitanie Toulouse
Duration: October 6, 2020 to January 3, 2022 / Institution: National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Pompidou, Paris / Curator: Philippe Bettinelli

Manager of international touring exhibitions with ComediArting S.r.l.
Dali Passionné
This is a private Dali we present here. The two series: “The Divine Comedy” and “Tristan and Isolde” have the artist in a meditative way that does not change its surreal treatment.
Works : 100 woodcuts + 21 lithographs / Duration : June 21 – September 21, 2008 / Institution : Palais Bénédictine, Fécamp, France / Curator : Dr. Rosa Perales, Stefano Ceccheto
Y las obras se hicieron tesoros, Arte precolombino
More than 50 centuries of culture are presented here, from 3500 BC to the time of the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century. The works come from different geographical areas of Latin America: Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
This incredible collection of pre-Columbian art is absolutely unique in Europe. Around 200 pieces have been carefully selected from 3000, that has the Salinas collection La Piedra. This from Chile, is probably one of the largest private collections of pre-Columbian art in the world.
Works : 204 / Duration : May 10 – September 2, 2007 / Institution : Centro Cultural Tomas y Valiente, Fuenlabrada, Spain / Curator : Varinia Varela Guarda, Luis Solar
Picasso, hommage au torero
The exhibition shows prints, drawings, ceramics and project bullfighting arena. Picasso realized them between the years 1956 and 1965 and offered them to the Dominguin-Bosé family. Besides the artistic value of the on each of these works, They all have a special history. The warm and friendly aspect of Picasso is then unveiled.
Works : 60 works from Bose-Dominguín’s collection (34 ceramics, 10 drawings, 1 collage, 1 project bullring, 4 prints (plus 1 engraving plate), 5 lithographs, 3 original books)+ 26 aquatint of bullfighting series / Duration : 24 April – 30 June, 2007/ Institution : Quais Hennessy, Cognac, France / Curator : Pablo J. Rico La Casa
Calder, la forma y el sueño / Calder, a forma e o sonho
The exhibition presents an overview of the graphic works of Alexander Calder. It contains mainly a significant number of large gouaches, drawings and carpet, which shows a less known facet of the artist’s work.
Works : 95 (gouaches, drawings, carpet) in two separate spaces / Duration : 29 November 2006 – 28 January 2007 / Institution : Centro Cultural Tomas y Valiente, Fuenlabrada, Spain / Duration : December 6, 2006 – April 1, 2007 / Institution : Fundaçao Eugenio de Almeida, Evora, Portugal / Curator : Maïthé Vallès-Bled
Rembrandt : Una inspiració per a Goya
Rembrandt was considered the best etcher of all time. Goya is largely based. These engravings sarcastically transmit concerns that remain completely contemporary.
Works : 148 etchings / Duration : September 21 – December 21, 2006 / Institution : Fundaçao Reig, Museo del tabacco, Andorra / Curator : Stefano Cecchetto
Geishas and Samurais, UKYO-E
The presented works come from prestigious private collections. The exhibition is a unique opportunity to discover the meaning and origin of an ancient and noble civilization.
Works : more than 200 (armor, woodcuts, jewelry, photos …) / Duration : 18 May – 30 July, 2006 / Institution : Centro cultural Tomas y Valiente, Fuenlabrada, Spain / Curator : Pietro Gobbi
Miró, el jardín de las maravillas
This exhibition shows the interest of Joan Miró in graphics. Here we admire his constant artistic research in connection with the sign, and his pleasure to experiment with different materials.
Works : 186 lithographs / Duration : September 7 – November 19, 2006 / Institution : Centro cultural Tomas y Valiente, Fuenlabrada, Spain / Curator : Cristiano Isnardi

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APPEL / NOUVEAU PRINTEMPS TOULOUSE 2025appel à candidatures : Kunhavigi lecture de portfolio