

Commissaire independente, écrivaine, chercheuse


Vit à : Rouen , France

Edith Doove is a curator, writer and researcher since more than 30 years, during which she has organized around 80 exhibitions of different sizes. After studying art history at the University of Leiden, she moved to Flanders where she hosted the Parbleu art space in Antwerp (1987-1993). During this period, she also worked as an art critic, among others for De Standaard and BRT/Klara radio. She was, among others, curator-director of the Dhondt-Dhaenens Museum in Deurle (1999-2004), curator of the first Triennale for Art, Fashion and Design Super! de Hasselt (2005), curator for the research project and exhibition Parallellepipeda of the University of Leuven and the M Museum in Leuven based on collaborations between researchers and artists (2007-2010), as well as for the wijheizijwei project for the Belgian NGO Iles de la Paix built around collaboration between farmers and artists in different places in Flanders (2009-2010). In 2015 she launched her Bureau Doove – creative consultancy. In 2017 she received her PhD from the University of Plymouth (UK) with Transtechnology Research, for which research group she has been a postdoctoral advisor since July 2020. In her thesis, on Laughter, l’Inframince and Cybernetics — The Curatorial Creative Act, she developed Marcel Duchamp’s concept of infra-thin as an operative tool in collaborative processes. In her research, she is particularly interested in notions of emergence and contingency, as well as how art is used in relation to the anthropocene and the relationship between human and non-human, reality and fiction. On these topics, she regularly publishes in the online magazine Leonardo Reviews.


01/07- 03/09/23
20/03 - 10/04/21
29 - 31/01/21

Troupe/troep – ChezKit, Pantin, France

27/09 - 25/10/20

Loving Care – 12 portraits of children by Pierre Mertens, Blikfabriek, Antwerp, Belgium

25/10 - 15/12/19
depuis/since 1987

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