

Curatrice | Directrice artistique


Vit à : Paris , France

Alessandra Chiericato (b. Italy, 1992) is an independent curator. Through exhibitions, residencies, conversations, screenings, and critical texts, Alessandra focuses on how we commonly relate to images, questioning their space of action and their boundaries. While exploring the notion of space, she is interested in the work of artists who investigate the representation of the body and the mechanisms of control. Today, she is the curator and founder of The Room Projects, a nomadic platform for experimenting with curatorial practice starting from creative spaces. Recent exhibitions include Kensuke’s Room. Forever Mine by Kensuke Koike (SEPTIEME Gallery, Paris), Des récits et des histoires by Amado Alfadni (French Institut, Cairo) and THIS IS US – PARIS by Maria Di Stefano (The Room Projects, Paris). In 2024, she was awarded the Rencontres de la photographie of Arles Curatorial Research Grant with her project The Cannibal Image.



Square Meters (S4) | A creative voices archive, The Room Projects, with Alex Ayivi, Camille Vignaud, Agnieszka Mastalerz, Garance Butler-Oliva, Miguel Miceli, Justine Joly, Trian Chereches, Louise Belin, Alexandre Yang.


Des récits et des histoires | Amado AlFadni, solo show, Institut Français d’Égypte, Cairo, Egypt

THIS IS US – PARIS | Maria Di Stefano, solo show, The Room Projects, Paris, France

ANIME OSCURE | François Bianco, solo show, Centro Corradino d’Ascanio, Raiano (AQ), Italy

Nadine Schutz | Residency, Centro Corradino d’Ascanio, Raiano (AQ), Italy

François Bianco | Residency, Centro Corradino d’Ascanio, Raiano (AQ), Italy

Amado Alfadni | Residency, La Maison d’Odile, The Room Projects, Bernède, France

Karo Kuchar | Residency, La Maison d’Odile, The Room Projects, Bernède, France


Kelani Abass | Residency, La Maison d’Odile, The Room Projects, Bernède, France

Adrien Van Melle | Residency, La Maison d’Odile, The Room Projects, Bernède, France

Square Meters (S3), Spécial Dakar | A creative voices archive, The Room Projects, with Mauro Petroni, Océane Harati, Cheikha Sigil, Serena Cinquegrana, Espace Trames, École Kourtrajmé.


The Red Room | Soundscape compilation, The Room Projects

no body’s-room | Online vide art festival, The Room Projects

Square Meters (S2) | A creative voices archive, The Room Projects, with Thomas Sauvin, Silvia Costa, LaTurbo Avedon, Nelson Pernisco, Nicola Lo Calzo, Hannah Archambault, Arash Hanaei, Antoine Renard, Laura Dondoli, Antoine Donzeaud, Elsa Brès, François Bianco.


WINDOW A / WINDOW B | Soundscape compilation, The Room Projects X Sagome London

Square Meters (S1) | A creative voices archive, The Room Projects, with King Houndekpinkou, Nicola Ratti, Rebecca Brodskis, Dorian Cohen, Adrien Van Melle, Alexandre Lenoir, María Tinaut.


Kensuke’s Room. Forever Mine | Kensuke Koike, solo show, SEPTIEME Gallery, Paris


ATV_0.2//RESO | Daniel Tollady, Jhon Law, duo show, Caos Art Gallery, Venice, Italy

From The City | Elena Bellantoni, Paolo Brambilla, Bros, Federica di Carlo, Quiet Ensemble, Roberto Fassone, Serena Fineschi, Jukai, Sophie Ko, Kensuke Koike, Robert Montgomery, Matteo Nasini, Guido Nosari, Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, Emmanuele Panzarini, Marco Samorè, Sbagliato, Miriam Secco, Vincenzo Simone, Julian Soardi, Sebastiano Sofia, Jan Vormann, a project with School for curatorial studies Venice & A+A Gallery, Venice, Italy


The Memory Theatre | Annie Ho Cooper, Natalia Lampropolou, Mattia Pajé, Filippo Marzocchi, g. olmo stuppia et Giacomo Gerboni, UCA University, Canterbury, UK

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