



Vit à : Paris / Lyon / Marseille / Internet

Close to the scene of the late 2000s, Alain Barthélémy began his artistic career with a practice mainly intended for the screen. In 2011, he participated in the EN/ER program of the ENSAD Lab (Paris) and had his work presented at various online shows such as ceci n’est pas la fiac, Whitescreen #1 or Time Extended (Fach & Asendorf) . In 2013, he began a studio practice at the David Dale Gallery and Studios (Glasgow), which he would extend by emphasizing its curatorial dimension within the Atelier SUMO in Lyon between 2016 and 2020. His curatorial practice, navigating across the digital environments and the artist-led culture (artist-run-spaces, project-spaces), has been developed in parallel of a three-years research cycle (DSRA) at the ENSBA of Lyon between 2017 and 2020.



50 Hz, Cabone 20, Saint-Etienne
with Valentin Defaux, Julie Kieffer, Olivier Neden, Alain Barthélémy

Blue Eyes (seminar), ENSBA, Lyon


French Hair,, Arebyte Gallery, London
with Chloé Serre, Laure Rogemond, Benjamin Collet, Alain Barthélémy, Marc Etienne, Marie Grimal, Pierre Gaignard, Hélène Hulak et Guillaume Seyller, Christopher MacInnes, Camille Soulat

lichen, humus et tissus migrateurs,
 programme résonance — 15th Biennale of Lyon
with Valentin Defaux, Pierre Gaignard, Olivier Neden, Marc Etienne, Lisa Duroux, Julie Kieffer, Bertrand Lacombe et Sophie Dejode, Benjamin Collet, Anne Renaud, Service Local, Lou Masduraud et Antoine Bellini

Je ne peux pas nager, je fais des cauchemards, Atelier SUMO, Lyon
with Hélène Hulak et Guillaume Seyller

Swing, Atelier SUMO, Lyon
with Valentin Defaux, Julie Kieffer, Olivier Neden, Alain Barthélémy

Les îles intérieures, Mirage Festival, Lyon
with Kévin Ardito, Alain Barthélémy, Ophélie Demurger, Alix Desaubliaux, Nicolas Frespech, Valentin Godard, David-Olivier Lartigaud, Bérénice Serra


Un peu avant la traversée, Fonderie du Péroux, Biziat
with Alexandre Bavard, Thomas Bonnotte, Valentin Defaux, Victor Favo, Thomas Formery, Vincent Ganivet, Marie Anita Gaube, Vincent Guillermin, Julie Kieffer, Octave Rimbert-Rivière, Maxime Lamarche, Armelle de Sainte Marie, et Magali Wagner

Point Oméga, Atelier SUMO, Lyon
with Alix Desaubliaux et Christopher MacInnes

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