- Active member :
A natural person having an activity of curator of contemporary art, independent or not, exercising or having exercised his activity on the French territory.
Amount of the 2018 membership: from 30 euros. - Affiliate member :
A natural person who does not meet the criteria of active members but who wishes to be informed of the activities of C-E-A.
Amount of the 2018 membership: from 15 euros. - Benefactor member :
Natural or legal person who financially supports the association.
Amount of the 2018 membership: from 30 euros.
Membership is valid for one calendar year.
To become an active member:
It is necessary to be able to testify to an activity in the field of curating contemporary art exhibition, as independent or attached to a structure of diffusion. The Board of Directors validates the accessions and reserves the right to refuse to any candidate the status of active member who does not correspond to the fixed criteria.
Valid for a calendar year, membership as an active member offers the following benefits:
- Business card free entry to certain pay-per-view venues
- Reception of information on the latest issues related to the curatorial exhibition: symposia, meetings, publications etc …
- Access to the network of professionals of the association to exchange reflections and experiences on different issues
- Registration in the online directory
- Ads of job offers, residences, workshop …
- Participation in working groups
To join, simply return the 2018 membership form completed and signed, along with a CV and a letter of motivation for requests from active members :
C-E-A / Association française des commissaires d’exposition
32, rue Yves Toudic
75010 PARIS