

Call for applications – apexart NYC, NY, USA

Deadline: October 31, 2018, 11:59PM EST

apexart is accepting exhibition proposals for its NYC Open Call from October 1-31, 2018. Three winning proposals will be presented at apexart’s NYC space as part of its 2019-20 exhibition season. Curators, artists, writers, and creative individuals, regardless of experience level or location, are invited to submit a proposal online.

The opportunity to organize an exhibition. No topics off limits, no ideas too controversial as long as they are not illegal and are selected by our international jury.

Creative people who have interesting exhibition ideas. Curators, artists, writers, and creative individuals, regardless of experience level, background, or location can apply.

The selection process
Rather than convene a small panel to review hundreds of ideas, apexart’s crowd-sourced voting system allows many jurors to individually review a subset of proposals. An international jury composed of 300+ individuals from a wide variety of professional backgrounds will rate the proposals. Proposals are made anonymous and randomized to make sure each receives the same consideration. apexart does not influence the results of the jury.

More information

appel à candidatures : kunhavigi lecture de portfolio AVRIL 2025Appels publics en coursINVITATION / JOURNÉES PROFESSIONNELLES 22 et 23 mai 2025 MarseilleInvitation / Événements avec Drawing Now Paris