

Aude Launay SIX YEARS
Curator, writer, text worker


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Aude Launay is an independent curator and writer trained as a philosopher. A significant part of her writings and exhibitions deals with the influence of the Internet (as a hyperobject more than as a technical tool) and advanced technologies on contemporary art and society. For the past three years, her research focus has been on crowdsourced and distributed decision-making through algorithmic and blockchain-based processes in art. More generally, she is interested in art that interferes with the power mechanisms underpinning governance structures.

She recently co-curated “Proof of Work” at the Schinkel Pavilion in Berlin with Simon Denny and a group of other node-curators (2018) and curated “Critical Mass”, a Jonas Lund solo show at the Edouard-Manet Gallery in Gennevilliers (2017). “Algotaylorism”, her next exhibition in a physical location, will take place at the Kunsthalle in Mulhouse (F) and at the Espace multimédia Gantner (F) in Spring 2020.




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